Sunday, April 18, 2010

Here is one of the quotes/comments that I wrote in the journal from one of our party as we waited with patience :) at the Air France ticketing...."We all live by geological consent, subject to change without notice". Of all the challenges that we may have faced preparing for the trip - and that we may have faced during the trip - who would have ever thought that VOLCANIC ASH in ICELAND would have now delayed the trip - ha ha just gotta laugh - and that's actually what we all did. It was a supreme example of teamwork, problem solving, and christian action. I wrote an email earlier in the day prior to departure, that it is not the things that go right sometimes that you will remember - it is the things that go "not so right" that will provide everlasting memories and experiences. We had a little adventure attempting to contact our travel agent (who would have thought that there were two luv2travels!), we picked up a lost lamb, Christine, a Welsh school teacher) along the way that had been stranded in Houston trying to get to the UK (thank you Carl for your cell phone/help in trying to contact her family and Susan for graciously opening your home!), and we had a wonderful experience of Christian love with our Air France desk agent (she worked for at least 1.5 hours with the group desk to review ALL possibilities for rebooking our trip (no - you REALLY can't get to Cote d' Ivoire via least without the challenges of flying out of Nairobi). We ended our day with a lovely team dinner at Cafe Adobe - figured we would not get much Tex Mex where we are STILL going next week!! As I reflect back on the events of Friday afternoon I marvel at God's blessings and visible signs and both in our fellow missioners as well as those that were placed in our path along the way. Although we were disappointed in not leaving when planned; somehow I think that this may all be part of the "plan". Check out the pics, continue praying that the Ash stops or diminishes - not only for our group, but all the other challenged travelers wanting to continue to their own destinations. Blessings, Deb

1 comment:

  1. Dear God,
    Thank you for this mission team that you put together. They are faithful to your calling and even in the face of dissapointment they will not be deterred from their purpose...Your purpose. What a blessing they are in any circumstance. My mind and heart are at peace as I know we are all in Your hands and on Your clock. Amen
